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Sunsets at Jubilee Suites

Dana and Jim Maloney, owners of Jubilee Suites in Fairhope, AL

What can I say about the sunsets here that James Joyce, the poet, hasn't already said better than I can? Only that you must experience the incredible views while you are here! The Jubilee Suites sunsets are magnificent and brand new every evening. And the fact that we have an elevated and panoramic view of the sky over Mobile Bay makes them seem even more magnificent! It's one of the big reasons we fell in love with this property the moment we saw it.

Since we've lived here, Jim and I have taken the time most evenings to stop what we are doing and simply enjoy the view from our great room or outside on the bluff. And we love it when our guests join us around the firepit for the occasional Sunset Celebration. It has been a wonderful habit to cultivate... one of slowing down at the end of the day, reconnecting with each other, taking stock, and counting our blessings as we view the ever-changing sky. Some sunsets are red, some orange, some are simply hazy, some turn the sky pink and purple as the sun sinks below the horizon. On many nights, the sunset provides long reflections across the water and the overall effect is just breathtaking. We've taken tons of pictures and we have yet to do the beauty justice!

What is Twilight?

We used to think of sunsets as a once and done experience, but they are so much more than the setting of the sun on the horizon. As the sun goes down, the sky is often not nearly as dramatic as after it has set. Then the sun's light from just below the horizon begins to reflect on the clouds above and the rainbow of colors begins. Reds and oranges of the sunset often turn into streaks of peach, pink, and then purple, blue and finally gray. We've even learned the correct term for this majestic event. It is properly called "twilight".

Twilight- /ˈtwīˌlīt/ noun

The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere. (Source: Oxford via Google)

As the sun begins to go down, we often see eagles and osprey fly right overhead as they're returning home to their roosts for the night. Gradually the pinks and purples fade and we see the first lights in the sky, the moon and then Venus. In the summer months, the night songs of cicadas begin and fireflies start their dance. The breeze changes in the evening and sitting quietly, we hear the leaves on the trees. Finally the now gray sky fills with starlight and moonlight and we begin to feel the desire to go inside our warm house.

Sunsets All Year Long

View of sunset and pier at Jubilee Suites in Fairhope, AL
Jim and I have been living here at Jubilee Suites since early 2018 and the sunsets never get old. We hope you will take the time this year to see more sunsets where you live-- and stay for the twilights!

If your plans call for a visit to Fairhope, AL, we'd love to share our sunsets with you. Jubilee Suites is perfect for families and small groups who want something a bit more private and peaceful, but still close to all the things to do in Fairhope. We encourage you to see all our reviews on Google and Facebook and if you'd like to book a suite, you can do it right on our website. If you have any questions or need help with a booking, you can always reach us here.

We leave you with this poem by James Joyce, from his collection of poems, “Chamber Music”, first published in May 1907.

The Twilight Turns

The twilight turns from amethyst
To deep and deeper blue,
The lamp fills with a pale green glow
The trees of the avenue.

The old piano plays an air,
Sedate and slow and gay;
She bends upon the yellow keys,
Her head inclines this way.

Shy thought and grave wide eyes and hands
That wander as they list -- -
The twilight turns to darker blue
With lights of amethyst.